Wednesday, November 30, 2011


I am going for a walk in about half an hour. My camera will be with me. The walk, how can I have slacked off for almost a year. I used to do this five days a week and felt pretty good. So, once something is working really well, what is my next move...? Why quit doing it, of course.

The motive for returning to an exercise program that I can do during my lunch hour is all about my last visit to the doctor. Blood pressure...way to high....cholesterol...way to high. So, now I am on medication for the BP and cholesterol and the dr. says, "it would be a good idea to get back down to two hundred lbs.". Which means lose fifty lbs. This is all very good and all, but the problem is doing it without thinking too much.

That is only possible if I go about this as my picture taking break. So the photo that may accompany this rambling is the result of a fat, bp, cholesterol reduction program. And may have some artistic merit, but I wouldn't bet the farm on it just yet.

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