Saturday, December 26, 2009


Originally uploaded by pbrouss84
Sometimes you have to make a photograph that leaves questions unanswered. Or causes the viewer to say "what the f... is that" and when they find out they still really don't have the answer that they wanted. The photo can be cool or not, spatially disorienting or well grounded in common understandable compositional elements or just plain kookoo bananas. In this case, I happen to like strange looking plants or plant parts. These appear to be seed pods and nothing more. I also like the color of the little tendrils and how they are inexplicably red only on the upper and right side of the surface. The light is unfiltered sunlight, one of my favorites

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


This is just a quick one to keep this thing going. And here is some information, this is so much easier than using another blogging software. I have tried for the last 30 minutes to get a picture to appear on the blog page without any luck. And with Blogger I can create a post with an image and not worry about any of the details. Sweet!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

On the Road Again...

I know, the violent fantasies of a raving lunatic, but sometimes they feel so right. The photo says it all.

About a week ago on my way home an idiot in a suburban assault vehicle was coming up on my left in the left hand lane of a one way stretch of street that narrows back down to one lane after a couple hundred yards. This is clearly marked by signs on both sides of the lanes with plenty of time to move to the right as the signs suggest. Again I am already in the right lane and he is coming up and tucks himself into the blind spot beside and just behind me. I look into the rear view mirror and see no one directly behind me, so there is room to just pull in behind my car. What does this mental giant do you ask? Why he starts honking his horn and making motions like I should do something to accommodate his self centered ass. I stay put and we come to the narrowing place and he pulls in behind me, no more honking. And everybody goes home to the wife and kids. The levels of narcissistic behaviors that I witness on a daily basis are just overwhelming.

Now, about the photo. Seen on a wrecker as part of the props for a film that is being shot in town. I was walking down the street in the CBD and the street was blocked and there were a lot of police present, so my first thought was, oh crap! The thought that came first was this is real, considering we are the murder capitol of the US. What a relief to find out it was just fictional violence.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Tubs 'r' Us...Not!

I know there are blogs already out there were someone asked, "what is up with the bathtubs in the Cialis ads?" And the comments run the gamut of explanations from slow down and think of her, to they are showing us two nekkid people without showing their nekkidosity. I say, bs there isn't any reason, some marketing kid and a team of ad agency creatives couldn't come up with anything sexually meaningful for the older crowd and since this demographic is a group that they don't understand, this is what they came up with. They figured for most sex acts you are more apt to be nekkid and some genius thought where else are you nekkid, oh yeah, taking a bath and since these people are old, old timey clawfoot tubs, seperate tubs, like Ozzie and Harriet's twin beds. Where these geniuses really missed the boat is in the naming of the product. Cialis shmalis, they should have called it Boniva, another form of bone replacement. But that was already taken by the osteoporosis folks,

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Fuzzi Wan is not himself...

My wife says that I shouldn’t be negative in my blog writings. She says no one wants to read negative crap about what ever I am in the mood to rant about. So, from now on I am going to be positive about my negative crap rantings.

So, here goes. Our little dog, Remington, died about a three weeks ago and it was a shock to all of us, us being Patricia-the wife, Olivia-the daughter and me the emotional rock. I can get choked up at the sight of someone walking their dog. Like today, I stopped and talked with this woman that had a really outstanding Wheaten softcoat terrier. I told her that I was a little emotional since our dog died. She said the obligatory, I am so sorry for your loss. I thanked her and asked her about her terrier. She is about 5yrs old, not sure as she was a rescue. I reached down to pet her and discovered that Wheaten Terriers have the softest hair I have ever felt, even softer than our little Bichon. I feel disloyal somehow. I am in that uncomfortable place where I don’t want another dog yet because it doesn’t feel right, too soon. This really sucks. I feel worse than when some humans I know have died. Of course that could be because they never slept in my lap while I watched old movies. That is an image I don’t want in my head. My old fishing buddy curled up and dreaming of big redfish, whimpering and making reeling motions with his hands, like Remy used to with his legs when he was dreaming of chasing something, the neighbors cat most likely. That last was a bit confusing but you'll figure it out.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Mums the Word!

Mums the Word!
Originally uploaded by pbrouss84

Bokeh, the way a lens bends light outside the plane of focus has never been the subject of one of my photos. I know how to use depth of field to emphasize the subject and selectively focus for effect.

Back in the old days of film there was a lens, that could when handled correctly separate the subject from the background like a razor and it created some stunning photos. There was discussion among photographers about this and other lenses that did this. But the out of focus bubbles of light, meaningless by themselves were never discussed except in relation to the overall photographic effect of producing photographs that were about something meaningful. And that meaning could be understood by looking at the photo and coming to terms with what the image had to communicate. This is different for all, as the play of ideas and concepts is transmitted to the viewer. It really does not need an explanation.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Creepy Claus

Creepy Claus
Originally uploaded by pbrouss84
There is something I can't put my finger on, but this creeps me out. Don't get me wrong I'm not unsympathetic to holiday spirit. This is the Claus that would bring gifts to Chucky.

Pie on the Range

Pie on the Range
Originally uploaded by pbrouss84
We had a jack-o-lantern pumpkin since Thanksgiving and I kept threatening to turn it into a pie and lo and behold the pies are delicious.