Thursday, December 17, 2009

On the Road Again...

I know, the violent fantasies of a raving lunatic, but sometimes they feel so right. The photo says it all.

About a week ago on my way home an idiot in a suburban assault vehicle was coming up on my left in the left hand lane of a one way stretch of street that narrows back down to one lane after a couple hundred yards. This is clearly marked by signs on both sides of the lanes with plenty of time to move to the right as the signs suggest. Again I am already in the right lane and he is coming up and tucks himself into the blind spot beside and just behind me. I look into the rear view mirror and see no one directly behind me, so there is room to just pull in behind my car. What does this mental giant do you ask? Why he starts honking his horn and making motions like I should do something to accommodate his self centered ass. I stay put and we come to the narrowing place and he pulls in behind me, no more honking. And everybody goes home to the wife and kids. The levels of narcissistic behaviors that I witness on a daily basis are just overwhelming.

Now, about the photo. Seen on a wrecker as part of the props for a film that is being shot in town. I was walking down the street in the CBD and the street was blocked and there were a lot of police present, so my first thought was, oh crap! The thought that came first was this is real, considering we are the murder capitol of the US. What a relief to find out it was just fictional violence.

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