Saturday, December 12, 2009

Tubs 'r' Us...Not!

I know there are blogs already out there were someone asked, "what is up with the bathtubs in the Cialis ads?" And the comments run the gamut of explanations from slow down and think of her, to they are showing us two nekkid people without showing their nekkidosity. I say, bs there isn't any reason, some marketing kid and a team of ad agency creatives couldn't come up with anything sexually meaningful for the older crowd and since this demographic is a group that they don't understand, this is what they came up with. They figured for most sex acts you are more apt to be nekkid and some genius thought where else are you nekkid, oh yeah, taking a bath and since these people are old, old timey clawfoot tubs, seperate tubs, like Ozzie and Harriet's twin beds. Where these geniuses really missed the boat is in the naming of the product. Cialis shmalis, they should have called it Boniva, another form of bone replacement. But that was already taken by the osteoporosis folks,

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