Sunday, December 6, 2009

Mums the Word!

Mums the Word!
Originally uploaded by pbrouss84

Bokeh, the way a lens bends light outside the plane of focus has never been the subject of one of my photos. I know how to use depth of field to emphasize the subject and selectively focus for effect.

Back in the old days of film there was a lens, that could when handled correctly separate the subject from the background like a razor and it created some stunning photos. There was discussion among photographers about this and other lenses that did this. But the out of focus bubbles of light, meaningless by themselves were never discussed except in relation to the overall photographic effect of producing photographs that were about something meaningful. And that meaning could be understood by looking at the photo and coming to terms with what the image had to communicate. This is different for all, as the play of ideas and concepts is transmitted to the viewer. It really does not need an explanation.

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